This website, operates as the direct publishing site and bookstore for the author, Alexander Baghdanov, providing his exclusive works on religious history, archeology, philosophy, doctrine, and faith, brought to you from the perspective of an Essene Christian ideology.
Alexander’s personal spirituality was developed and nurtured by his deep Russian Molokan Christian heritage, which dates back hundreds of generations. At a very early age, Alexander received the prophetic gifts of the “Seer”, and has witnessed countless thousands of prophetic visions, dreams, and revelations, which have guided him through his spiritual journey in life.
His spiritual insight has opened the door to new understandings of Religion and Faith, and has brought him a closer in depth appreciation of the ancient history of the Apostolic Church of the Essene Israelites, the founding fathers of the Molokan Christian Faith in Russia.
A spiritual foundation, prophetic insight, a global study of ancient history and archeology, an in-depth study of ancient manuscripts and documents, make for interesting research into our human quest to find our Heavenly Creator.
This is a one-of-a kind collection of books, which are sure to stimulate the spiritual energies of your body and mind. Allow Alexander the opportunity to share his knowledge with you, the student of Life, Faith, and Prophetic Spirituality.
Visit Alexander’s personal web-site and Blog at to follow along his ongoing research, and to read his ongoing articles, which are posted weekly.
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With Spirituality, we discover of our very inner-man; our very soul.
Through Spirituality, we commune with the Living Heavenly Father/Mother of Creation.
Spirituality is the Bridge between Heaven and Earth; between Man and God!!!
Build your Spirituality, through the Power of Manifest Prophetic Action and Activity…
Let us learn together…
Alexander Baghdanov